Collecting Cars is a leading specialist online auction platform devoted to cars, motorcycles and automobilia. It has quickly established itself as a leader in the world of online auctions. The business gathers consignments from across the UK and Europe and markets cars throughout the world.
Collecting Cars primarily focuses on iconic, sporting, and collectable cars spanning the entire spectrum of price points. It is the one place where you can find a Ferrari 812 Superfast rubbing shoulders with a Peugeot 205 GTI 1.9, a classic Range Rover, and a Ducati 899 Panigale. The business has gained incredible traction as the ‘go to place’ to find high quality iconic machines.
Rather than offer traditional physical auctions, the business is 100% digitally driven and has built a reputation of trust by offering over 100+ high quality images of each vehicle, comprehensive vehicle descriptions, and a rigorous approach to honesty and accuracy. Sellers are actively encouraged to point out any imperfection no matter how minor. Buyers can also book appointments to see the physical car prior to bidding. This streamlined process is making buying and selling cars via online auctions one of the most effective and painless ways of transacting.
Unlike other offerings, the auction service is free to sellers, with buyers paying a fee of just 6% (£600 minimum and £6,000 maximum). The knowledgeable team understands the value of every car, no matter what it is.
Over recent months, Collecting Cars has delivered real growth in the market. With an ever-increasing social following and a large audience of engaged bidders, the Collecting Cars platform is delivering exceptional sales results.
The We Are Nameless team are delighted to be working with Collecting Cars on the next chapter of their journey. www.collectingcars.com